Human Resources
Is your business struggling to find affordable ways to hire workers? The leading job boards do a good job of offering you tools to help you hire workers, but if you are looking to hire non salary or hourly job workers, there aren't a lot of choices. When there are suitable options such as Indeed, the cost of posting a job can exceed $200 per job post.
HourlyWork provides a locally based, affordable, modern and mobile application to help companies connect with hourly job workers. HourlyWork advertises jobs like yours on social media sites, local high schools, technical schools, and colleges. We also work with groups such as veterans, senior centers, diversity groups and recent immigrants to attract candidates from these labor pools.
When you are ready, take advantage of our built-in scheduling features to ensure that are maximizing your employee work times so that you are providing the level of service that will help grow your customer base.
If you want to learn more, download our app from the app stores. Or, contact us at info@hourlywork.io, or call us at 617-786-5800.
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Additional Info
HourlyWork can help any business with its hiring needs. Our specialties cross all industries (human services, healthcare, education, manufacturing, hospitality, etc.), and all disciplines (hourly positions: staff, laborer, caregivers, etc.) and professional (sales, marketing, HR, IT, executive recruiting, etc.).