FocalPoint Business Coaching
Business & Professional Services IT
I am a Certified FocalPoint Business/Executive Coach in the Greater Boston Area. I am driven by my passion to assist others and make a difference. I help business owners be more successful by optimizing the most important aspects of their companies – time, money, team and strategy and I help senior leaders define and achieve their greatest visions of professional success.
You can learn more at https://jeanpierrevansteerteghem.focalpointcoaching.com/ .
You can learn more about my professional career at https://www.linkedin.com/in/jp-van-steerteghem/ .
Business Coaching for Entrepreneurial Leaders
We provide coaching and advisory services to business leaders at various stages of growth who seek to refine their marketplace positioning.
Executive, Leadership, & Career Coaching
Using an individualized and structured approach, we help clients increase their self-awareness and understanding of their strengths, blind spots, and leadership styles.